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Cwm Rhondda (melodie)

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De melodie Cwm Rhondda is gecomponeerd door John Hughes (1873–1932) in 1907. De naam is Welsh en verwijst naar de Rhondda Valley.


De melodie is gebruikt voor verschillende kerkliederen. Het solmisatieschema is 5-6-5-1-1-7-1-2-3-2 .



Toelichting overzicht muziekuitgaven

Componist Uitgever Editienr Uitgave Opus Pag./Nr. Type Bezetting
Archer, M. Mayh 140-0048 After The Last Verse v o
Bakker, F. den Boek in: Evangelische liedbundel begeleidingen 1 186a z, a o
Burkhardt, M. MSM 60-8015 God of Grace and God of Glory k, v SATB, o, i
Burtonwood, S. LZ 70/2292L in: The Organist's Library, Vol. 69 p88 v o
Callahan, C. MSM 10-597 The Art of Hymn Playing - 250 Introductions, Preludes, Free Acc. p31 v, z o
Carlson, J.B. AF 9780800675790 in: Augsburg Organ Library - Autumn p18 v o
Cassler, G.W. APH 11-9304 Organ Descants for Selected Hymn Tunes p50 z o
Cherwien, D. MSM 60-7021 God of Grace and God of Glory k SATB, o, i
Dahl, D.P. LZ 70/2149L in: The Organist's Library, Vol. 64 p94 v o
Donkersloot, R. Boek in: Weerklank - Voorspelen en intonaties 392 v o
Downward, B.W. MSM 10-790 Twelve Hymn Introductions v o
Forrest, D. LZ 70/1958L in: Easy Organ Library, Vol. 59 p36 v o
Groom, L.H. HMO 145 in: Free Harmonizations of Hymn Tunes p92 z o
Hayes, M. LZ 70/1663L Hymn Harmonizations by Hayes p17 z p
Hobby, R.A. MSM 10-542 Three Hymns of Praise v o
Hopson, H.H. HF 5128 11 Free Accompaniments with Descants to Familair Hymns p26 z o
Hughes, J. CP in: Church Hymnary 4th ed. - full music 113, 167 z o
Hughes, J. CP in: New English Hymnal - full music 368 k SATB, o
Hughes, J. NZ in: Liefste lied van overzee 1 - begeleidingsbundel 37 z o
Johnson, D.R. FF 1319 Prayer, Praise and Thanksgiving p6 v o
Krug, J.W. LZ 70/2280L in: Easy Organ Library, Vol. 68 p18 v o
Lovelace, A.C. APH 11-6152 14 Hymn Preludes p20 v o
Lovelace, A.C. WLE 600119 The Church Year - Volume 3 - Ordinary Time through Christ the King p39 v o
Manz, P. Conc 97-5257 10 Chorale Improvisations 5 p4 v o
Martin, G.M. LZ 70/1786L Shine on Us - Hymns of Guidance and Strength p3 v o
McDonald, M. LZ 10/3608M-2 Immortal Hymns of Praise k, v TTBB, o, i
Oxley, T.F.H. Mayh 140-0252 The Ultimate Finishing Touch z o
Peeters, F. EP 6420 Hymn Preludes for the Liturgical Year 20 opus 100 p4 v o
Powell, R.J. GIA G-6787 Three Partitas on Welsh Hymn Tunes p4 v o
Raney, J. Hope 8209 Keyboard Excursions: for Piano and Organ p11 v o
Rawsthorne, N. Mayh 140-0534 200 Last Verses for manuals z o
Rawsthorne, N. Mayh 140-5527 200 Last Verses z o
Rentz, E. LZ 10/3331A Hymn of Celebration k SATB, p, i
Sanderman, D. Boek in: Weerklank - Begeleidingsbundel 392 z o
Schram, R.E. LZ 70/1767L Prayludes for Autumn v p
Schram, R.E. LZ 70/2129L Prayludes for Worship p32 v p
Scott, J. OUP in: Oxford Book of Descants 19 k S, o
Smith, L. LZ 70/1735L in: The Organist's Library, Vol. 48 p64 v o
Southbridge, J. LZ 70/1639L Last-Second Solutions v o
Velde, R. te OUP in: Hymn miniatures 1 4 v o
Vernon Fisch, A. Mayh 140-0109 in: 100 Hymn Preludes For Manuals v o
Viner, A. Mayh 140-0001 in: One Hundred Hymn Preludes v o
Viner, A. Mayh 140-0274 in: Hymn Preludes For The Church Year 2 - Ordinary Time v o
Wagner, D.E. LZ 70/1930L in: Easy Organ Library, Vol. 58 p32 v o
Walz, C.E. LZ 70/2025L in: The Church Pianist's Library, Vol. 20 p93 v p
Wilberg, M. OUP Guide me, O thou great Jehovah k, v SATB, o
Wood, D. LZ 70/1140S Festive Hymn Introductions p9 v o
Wood, D. LZ 70/1823L The Essential Dale Wood v o

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