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Is het wèl met uw ziel voor d' eeuwigheid

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Is het wèl met uw ziel voor d'eeuwigheid
Vorm Lied met refrein
Titel Is It well with your soul today, brother
Taal Engels
Land Verenigde Staten
Periode 1890
Dichter Peter P. Bilhorn
Vertaler Johannes de Heer
Metrisch 10-7-10-7
Componist Peter P. Bilhorn
Solmisatie 3-4-5-5-5-1-6-5-3-3-3-3-2-2-5
Zangbundel Joh. de Heer 874

Is het wèl met uw ziel voor d' eeuwigheid is de vertaling op naam van Johannes de Heer van Is it well with your soul today, brother, tekst en muziek van Peter P. Bilhorn uit 1890.

Opname beluisteren


  • Engelse tekst

Is it well with your soul today, brother?
With your soul, your soul today?
Are your sins all forgiven of God in heaven?
Is it well with your soul today?

There's a fountain that's set for you, brother,
A fountain of life for you.
You may wash and be clean from ev'ry stain;
Is it well with your soul today?

 If the summons of death should fall, brother?
Should fall, should fall today?
Are you ready to meet at the judgment seat,
If the summons should fall today?

If you still will refuse His love to choose,
His love, His love to you,
He may never repeat that call so sweet,
Oh, then brother, what will you do?
There's a promise of life for you, brother,
For you, for you today,
If you'll trust in the blood of the lamb of God,
He will wash all your sins away.

  • Nederlandse tekst- niet vrij van auteursrechten
  • Beginregels van de strofen

1 Is het wel met uw ziel voor d' eeuwigheid - Is het wel voor d' eeuwigheid.
2 Idem,.... -Als het leven u ontviel
3 idem... -Fatsoen noch vroomheid baat.
4 idem... -Zeg duid' lijk: Ja of neen!
5 idem.. -Naar de hemel of de hel?





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