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My body, soul and spirit

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My body, soul and spirit
Vorm Lied met refrein
Taal Engels
Land Verenigde Staten
Periode 1869
Dichter Mary Dagworthy James
Metrisch 7-6-7-6
Componist Phoebe Knapp-Palmer (a)
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (b)
Melodie Consecration (Knapp) (a)
Munich (Mendelssohn) (b)
Solmisatie 5-5-5-6-6-2-3-3-1-1-4-3-2 (a)
1-2-3-6-5-4-3-3-3-5-4-3-2-2-1 (b)
Sacred Songs & Solos 637

My body, soul and spirit (Consecration) is een lied van Mary Dagworthy James (1810-1883), van muziek voorzien door Phoebe Knapp-Palmer.


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Knapp SS&S

1 My body, soul and spirit,
Jesus I give to Thee,
A consecrated off’ring,
Thine ever more to be…

My all is on the Altar,
I’m waiting for the fire,
Waiting, waiting, waiting,
I’m waiting for the fire.

2 O Jesus, mighty Savior,
I trust in Thy great name,
I look to Thy salvation,
Thy promise now I claim.


3 O let the fire descending
Just now upon my soul,
Consume my humble offering,
And cleanse and make me whole.


4 I’m Thine, O blessed Jesus,
Washed by Thy precious blood,
Now seal me by Thy Spirit
A sacrifice for God.


My All is on the Altar
1 My spirit, soul, and body,
Jesus, I give to Thee,
A consecrated off’ring,
Thine evermore to be.
My all is on the altar;
Lord, I am all Thine own;
Oh, may my faith ne’er falter!
Lord, keep me Thine alone.

2 O Jesus, mighty Saviour!
I trust in Thy great name,
I look for Thy salvation,
Thy promise now I claim.
Now, Lord, I yield my members,
From sin’s dominion free,
For warfare and for triumph,
As weapons unto Thee.

3 Oh, blissful self-surrender,
To live, my Lord, by Thee!
Now, Son of God, my Saviour,
Live out Thy life in me.
I’m Thine, O blessed Jesus,
Washed in Thy precious blood,
Sealed by Thy Holy Spirit,
A sacrifice for God.

Knapp = Mrs. Joseph F. Knapp, Notes of Joy, for the Sabbath School, The Social Meeting and the Hour of Prayer, New York: W.C. Palmer, 1869, p. 126


Het lied is volgens de uitgave in Knapp-Palmer’s Notes of Joy (1869) “Written at the National Camp Meeting, Round Lake, July 16th, 1869.”



Sacred Songs & Solos (ed. 1948) maakt het een strofelied op de melodie Munich (Mendelssohn). Waar de rest van de tekst daar vandaan komt is onduidelijk.

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