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Actueel: Zingen met Luther en Bach. Woerden (15 feb) en Emmen (2 maart) – In 2025 zijn er 10 zangmiddagen, verspreid over het land! Abonneer je op de nieuwsbrief.

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Sussex Carol (melodie)

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Toelichting overzicht muziekuitgaven

Componist Uitgever Editienr Uitgave Opus Pag./Nr. Type Bezetting
Anderson, D. LZ 70/1804L in: The Organist's Library, Vol. 52 p67 v o
Archer, M. Mayh 140-0048 After The Last Verse v o
Baas, G. CK 207 in: A Festival of Lessons and Carols p37 z SATB, o
Bock, F. Bock BG0889 The Organ Music of Fred Bock 1 - 6 Hymn Tunes p27 v o
Burkhardt, M. MSM 10-111 5 Christmas Hymn Improvisations 1 p4 v o
Burkhardt, M. MSM 10-380 Creative Hymn Playing - Improvisation, Exercises, and Repertoire p96 v, z o
Callahan, C. MSM 10-024 A Christmas Pastorale for Organ Duet v o4
Cherwien, D. MSM 10-165 The Bethlehem Collection - 6 Preludes and Postludes Christmas p18 v o
Culli, B.M. Conc 97-7649 Hymn Tune Innovations - 8 Easy Chorale Preludes All Seasons p18 v o
Datema, W. website v, z p, i
Deursen, A. van AB 19005003 On christmas night k SATB
Fedak, A.V. LZ 70/2280L in: Easy Organ Library, Vol. 68 p38 v o
Glyncannon, B. LZ 70/1522L in: A Christmas Tapestry (Eliot) p17 v o
Haan, R.H. Conc 97-5871 Variations on 'Sussex Carol' v o
Haan, R.H. GIA G-4859 in: St. Francis Collection Free Accompan. to Hymn Tunes p104 z o
Hayes, M. LZ 70/1771L The Art of the Piano, Volume 2 p3 v p
Helman, M. LZ 70/2241L This Bright Festive Day - Postludes for the Christmas Season p32 v o
Jong, E. de Boek in: Nieuwe Voorspelen & Begeleidingen Liedboek 479 v, z o
Larson, L. LZ 70/1768L Rejoice! Rejoice! - Christmas Carol Celebrations for Piano p30 v p
Lau, R. LZ 70/1886L in: The Organist's Library, Vol. 56 p50 v o
Leavitt, J. Conc 97-7624 On Christmas Night v p
Macchia, G. LZ 70/2205L in: The Sacred Organ Library, Vol. 6 p30 v o
Macchia, G. LZ 70/2248L in: Yuletide Joy - Music for Advent and Christmas p42 v o
Meiden, M. van der BE 3048 Voorspelen bij het liedboek 4 p20 v o
Miles, G.T. Conc 97-1382 in: The Parish Organist 5 - Advent and Christmas p44 v o
Milford, R. AF 9780800659356 in: Augsburg Organ Library - Christmas p110 v o
Nielson, S. LZ 70/1779L Christmas with Stephen Nielson p6 v p
Page, A.L. LZ 70/2305L Gloria! - Advent and Christmas Music for Organ p32 v o
Paxton, D. LZ 70/1521L in: The Gift of Christmas - Christmas and Epiphany (Shea) p36 v o
Rawsthorne, N. Mayh 140-0144 The Holly and The Ivy for manuals v o
Rawsthorne, N. Mayh 140-0510 200 More Last Verses for organ z o
Rawsthorne, N. Mayh 140-0534 200 Last Verses for manuals z o
Rawsthorne, N. Mayh 140-0535 200 More Last Verses for manuals z o
Rawsthorne, N. Mayh 140-5527 200 Last Verses z o
Rose, W. Leup in: The Organist's Companion 40-1 v o
Sanderman, D. CT 394 Joy to the world v o
Schulz, R. Leup in: The Organist's Companion 1-1 v o
Schulz-Widmar, R. Oxf in: The Oxford Book of Christmas music p132 v o
Shepherd, R. IN 2013028.02 in: Liedboek - 32 begeleidingen instr. ensembles p12 v, z i, o/p
Smith, L. LZ 70/1171L Timeless Carols for a New Age p14 v o
Smith, L. LZ 70/1837L in: The Organist's Library, Vol. 54 p58 v o
Teunissen, T. BE 3042 Voorspelen, intonaties en zettingen 2 p18 v, z o
Tindall, A. DPS in: Christmas Carols for Friends and Families (Tindall) 62 z o
Vaughan Williams, R. CP in: Church Hymnary 4th ed. - full music 294, 700 k, z S, SATB, o
Vaughan Williams, R. LB in: Begeleidingsbundel Liedboek 479 z SATB, o
Vaughan Williams, R. LB in: Koorbundel Liedboek 2 479 k SATB
Vaughan Williams, R. NZ in: Liefste lied van overzee 1 - begeleidingsbundel 26 z o
Vaughan Williams, R. NZ in: Liefste lied van overzee 2 - begeleidingsbundel 13 z o
Vaughan Williams, R. Oxf in: The Oxford Book of Carols 24 k SATB
Weber, J.B. AF 9781506413761 in: Organ Plus Anthology 2 - Advent and Christmas p87 v o, i
Willcocks, D. AB NCC0029 Sussex carol k SATB, o
Willcocks, D. Oxf in: 100 Carols for Choirs 59 k S, SATB, o
Willcocks, D. Oxf in: Carols for Choirs 1 29 k, v S, SATB, o
Wood, D. LZ KK 454 Wood Works for Christmas p13 v o
Young, P.M. AF 9781506413617 Carols of the British Isles for Organ p25 v o
Zwart, D. NZ in: Liefste lied van overzee 1 - begeleidingsbundel 26 z o
Zwart, D. NZ in: Liefste lied van overzee 2 - begeleidingsbundel 13 z o